Oregon OSHA – Increased Penalties for 2025
In 2023, with the passage of Senate Bill 592, the Oregon Legislature dramatically augmented the range of civil penalties on employers who violate Oregon Safe Employment laws. Previously, Oregon law imposed only the minimum civil penalties prescribed under the federal OSHA. Over the past two years, the penalties have continued to increase.
As provided for in Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) 654.086(4), Oregon OSHA is required to adjust the amount of civil penalties to account for the percentage increase or decrease, if any, in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers, West Region. The percent change is the cost of-living adjustment multiplier for the following year.
The following civil penalties apply to citations assessed under ORS 654.086 for inspections opened between January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2025.
Type Minimum Maximum
Other than serious $0 $16,475
Serious Physical Harm or Death $1,177 $16,475
Repeat $11,769 $164,759
Willful $11,769 $164,759
Serious that Caused or Contributed
to a Work-Related Fatality $21,088 $52,720
Repeat that Caused or Contributed
to a Work-Related Fatality $52,720 $263,599
Willful that Caused or Contributed
to a Work-Related Fatality $52,720 $263,599
Thank you for entrusting SBH Legal with your OSHA needs. If you have any questions regarding OSHA compliance, please contact me at 503-595-2136 or .
Posted by Steve Verotsky.