Author: Megan Vaniman

May 13, 2016
by Megan Vaniman

NLRB rules it’s your right to be unhappy at work

Want to be unhappy at work? Now grumpy employees have the law on their side. The Communications Workers of America Local 7011 Union challenged T-Mobile’s employee handbook…

April 14, 2016
by Megan Vaniman

SBH 2016 Race for Justice Sponsor

SBH is a proud sponsor of the 2016 Race for Justice. The Race for Justice, now in its 16th year, helps raise funds for the St….

January 7, 2016
by Megan Vaniman

New Bill Alters Timeline for Initial Time Loss Payment

On January 1, 2016, House Bill 2797 went into effect, modifying when initial temporary disability payments must be made. Prior to January 1, 2016, if…

November 20, 2015
by Megan Vaniman

Reminder-CDA Requirements

A Claims Disposition Agreement—better known as a CDA—is a great tool to settle accepted claims. Once a claim is accepted, the claimant retains rights to…

July 31, 2015
by Megan Vaniman

SBH Prevails before Court of Appeals on Case Addressing Occupational Disease Analysis

In Luton v. Willamette Valley Rehabilitation Center, 432 Or App 487 (2015), claimant filed a claim for right wrist pain.  He testified that on April…

May 13, 2015
by Megan Vaniman

Oregon Supreme Court hears oral arguments in Brown v. SAIF

By: Megan Vaniman In May 2014, the Oregon Court of Appeals issued Brown v. SAIF, 262 Or App 640 (2014).  The case changed the test…

April 22, 2015
by Megan Vaniman

Could an Increase in Assessed Attorney Fees be Coming?

By: Megan Vaniman House Bill 2764 was introduced to the House Floor on April 20, 2015.  HB 2764, spearheaded by the Oregon Trial Lawyers Association,…

March 25, 2015
by Megan Vaniman

Managing Chiropractic Care in Oregon

By: Megan Vaniman Chiropractic care is often frequent and long-lasting.  Oregon Workers’ Compensation laws limit the time a chiropractic doctor can act as an attending…

May 22, 2014
by Megan Vaniman

Brown v. SAIF: End of the Combined Condition?

A recent Court of Appeals decision changes the test for closing an accepted combined condition claim.  What does Brown v. SAIF mean for employers and…