Author: Dee Akinbosade
Stress of Navigating Oregon Workers’ Compensation: Possible Ground for Mental Health Condition?
Filing an Oregon Workers’ Compensation claim includes a range of administrative processes, from injury reports to claim closure, encompassing medical treatment, independent medical evaluations, entitlement…
Oregon Workers Compensation: Is the deposition of a medical arbiter a thing?
An impartial medical examination is typically scheduled as part of reconsideration proceedings when there is a disagreement about the impairment findings used to close a…
Navigating the Pitfalls of Oregon Workers’ Compensation. The Ins and Outs of Injury under a Combined Condition.
We are all familiar with the idea of a “compensable injury” in Oregon workers’ compensation law. A compensable injury is any injury sustained while performing…
Extinguishing the Firefighter Presumption in Oregon Workers’ Compensation
The introduction of H.B. 2915 to the Oregon Legislature, signed into law in the same year, expanded workers’ compensation protection to Portland firefighters who had…