Learn What MLAC Can Do For You
Employers, HR Managers, and claims examiners – the Professionals in Workers’ Compensation organization is hosting their final educational breakfast event of the 2012-2013 season. Please join us for a great breakfast May 16, 2013 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel near Lloyd Center to learn about the importance of MLAC. What is MLAC? Why do we have it? What is it doing for us? Tami Cockeram, an MLAC committee member and City of Hillsboro Risk Manager will be presenting on the history and current activities of MLAC.
MLAC is the Management-Labor Advisory Committee. MLAC was created in 1990 as an advisory committee to assist with workers’ compensation reform. MLAC provides a forum for business and labor to meet, explore, and resolve issues involving the workers’ compensation system.
Go to this link to view the informational flyer and to register: http://www.onlinepwc.com/
I am a Board member, along with Laurel Hensley of SBH, and we will be in attendance at the meeting. There will also be some great door prizes for those in attendance. Please contact me with any questions at: